Generalized Linear Model with Stepwise Feature Selection

method = 'glmStepAIC'

Type: Regression, Classification

No Tuning Parameters

Linear Discriminant Analysis with Stepwise Feature Selection

method = 'stepLDA'

Type: Classification

Tuning Parameters: maxvar (Maximum #Variables), direction (Search Direction)

Linear Regression with Backwards Selection

method = 'leapBackward'

Type: Regression

Tuning Parameters: nvmax (Maximum Number of Predictors)

Linear Regression with Forward Selection

method = 'leapForward'

Type: Regression

Tuning Parameters: nvmax (Maximum Number of Predictors)

Linear Regression with Stepwise Selection

method = 'leapSeq'

Type: Regression

Tuning Parameters: nvmax (Maximum Number of Predictors)

Linear Regression with Stepwise Selection

method = 'lmStepAIC'

Type: Regression

No Tuning Parameters

Quadratic Discriminant Analysis with Stepwise Feature Selection

method = 'stepQDA'

Type: Classification

Tuning Parameters: maxvar (Maximum #Variables), direction (Search Direction)

Random Forest with Additional Feature Selection

method = 'Boruta'

Type: Regression, Classification

Tuning Parameters: mtry (#Randomly Selected Predictors)

Random k-Nearest Neighbors with Feature Selection

method = 'rknnBel'

Type: Classification, Regression

Tuning Parameters: k (#Neighbors), mtry (#Randomly Selected Predictors), d (#Features Dropped)

Ridge Regression with Variable Selection

method = 'foba'

Type: Regression

Tuning Parameters: k (#Variables Retained), lambda (L2 Penalty)

Stepwise Diagonal Linear Discriminant Analysis

method = 'sddaLDA'

Type: Classification

No Tuning Parameters

Stepwise Diagonal Quadratic Discriminant Analysis

method = 'sddaQDA'

Type: Classification

No Tuning Parameters